2015 · AM I CHARLIE?
Museo Cabañas (Instituto Cultural Cabañas), Guadalajara, México

Suis Je Charlie?


Sans Parole


Artist text:

DEBATE: "Freedom of expression should be limited when its exercise violates the rights of others"

Fury - as a manifestation of the cruelest facet of the psyche of man - is usually the result of some of the forms of fanaticism that plague our world since the beginning of time.
The dramatic event that occurred on January 7, 2015 in the writing of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris, shook the collective conscience of France and the whole of Europe.
From that event, two works were born, created from a mural in the streets of Barcelona, ??where an Islamic jihadist is seen, with a pencil in his hand, about to slaughter his victim.
I was there, with the idea of ??capturing images of the passers-by on their daily path, confronted in some way with the reality thus represented and that is increasingly present in their environment.

In the creation of "Trialogue" the idea that arises from these images is not to oppose, as is often the case, the Western vision to that of the Near East, but on the contrary to open a reflective horizon about the deep malaise, that this fury unleashed by fanaticism, believe in moderate Muslims; heirs of a millenary culture whose wisdom and humanism we have witnessed in other times and that does not deserve to be destroyed from within by those who should preserve it and make it prosper towards an era of new flowering of what its values ??were. The entire humanity would benefit if we can recover the best of each of our cultures, ways of life, and hopes for a common future. Nobody is too much on earth, we all have something to contribute, opening the dialogue is just the beginning.

The two works want to attract our reflection to that possibility, by intervening photographs with bubbles that graphically express, as in comics, the thoughts of those who observe the image in question.


These works were created to open a debate on freedom of expression. The debate took place in the chapel of the Cabañas Cultural Institute, in Guadalajara, Mexico, on March 3, 2015 on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the Association. A print run of 100 copies was made of the three photos that make up the work "Trialogue", letter size, cotton paper (without frame), for sale to raise funds for the Association whose social work is dedicated to training young people to debate ideas on important topics, so that they get used to creating their own lines of thought and not fall victim to ideas imposed by others. The same applies to framed works.



